Subscription Terms

Last Updated: Sep 5, 2024

  1. Subscription Terms: Subscription will automatically renew at the end of each period (monthly, annually) until canceled by you.
  2. Free Use: We will provide you with a free subscription to use our apps, so you don't have to pay to use them.
  3. Benefits: By subscribing, you are entitled to the rights described in the subscription package on the subscription page.
  4. Payment Method: Payment will be processed at the time of purchase confirmation (via single-touch recognition, facial recognition, or other methods accepting the subscription terms provided on the Apple/Google payment popup screen) using the payment method you submitted at the time of purchase. You authorize the app store to charge applicable subscription fees to your chosen payment method.
  5. Cancellation: Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of each period until canceled by you. Note that deleting the app does not cancel your subscription. If you purchased the subscription on the Apple Store: You can cancel the subscription anytime by turning off auto-renewal. To avoid being charged, cancel the subscription in your Apple ID account settings at least 24 hours before the current subscription period ends. You can manage your subscription independently. Learn more about managing subscriptions (and how to cancel them) on the Apple Support page. If you purchased the subscription on Google Play: You can cancel the subscription anytime by turning off auto-renewal in your Google Play account settings. To avoid being charged, cancel the subscription at least 24 hours before the current subscription period ends. You can manage your subscription independently. Learn more about managing subscriptions (and how to cancel them) on Google's support page. Canceling the subscription means disabling auto-renewal, but you will still have access to all subscription features for the remaining time in the current period.
  6. Refunds: Subscriptions purchased through the app store are subject to the refund policy of that app store. This means we cannot provide refunds. You need to contact the app store's support. Purchases are specifically governed by the applicable app store refund policy. This means we cannot provide refunds for purchases made through the Apple App Store. You need to contact Apple Store support. If you purchased the subscription on the Apple Store: If you are eligible for a refund, you need to apply directly to Apple. Follow the instructions on the Apple Support page to apply for a refund. If you purchased the subscription on Google Play: If you are eligible for a refund, you need to apply directly to Google. Follow the instructions on Google's support page to apply for a refund.
  7. Changes: To the extent permitted by law, we reserve the right to change subscription fees at any time. We will reasonably notify you of any such pricing changes by posting new prices within the application and/or by sending an email or other prominent means. If you do not wish to pay the new fees, you can cancel the applicable subscription before the changes take effect. If you have any questions about the subscription terms, please contact us at [email protected]